Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Shauna says...

"I'm doing a thing. It's not a thing. I'm not doing it."

Shauna just said this to me. Clearly she is going insane.

In other news, we're going to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers tonight. Details of awesomeness to follow.


Janice said...

Clearly, my good man!

That girl is loco.

Anonymous said...

Speculation here -- perhaps she said, "I'm doing a thing. It's not a thing I'm not doing." Without the superflous (sp?) period in the middle of the second sentence it becomes merely redundant but making perfect sense all the same.

Now that is WAY too much analysis isn't it? :)


Anonymous said...

Now that I look a little closer it turns out it wasn't ~quite~ enough analysis. You were right in the first place...


Shauna said...

Kevin, I'm glad you're looking out for me, but in fact I was quoted correctly. I've warned my sister - and I'll warn Julia too - grad school turns your brain to mush. I'm thinking of it like a deconstruction to reconstruction process. Kind of like cleaning out your closet. You have to make a huge mess, and then you can put everything back together in a much more organized and useful fashion. Unfortunately for me, I'm in the absolute middle of this process. My metaphorical clothes are all over the bed and I find myself wondering why I ever bought those impractical shoes. Hopefully it will all come back together beautifully soon.

Shauna said...

Um... details of awesomeness to follow??? I'm wearing the t-shirt, so it obviously happened. Tell us about the Red Hot Chili Peppers... so I don't have to write it :)